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Transcripts and Advising

To be fully admitted to UCM,  all of your transcripts from any colleges or universities you have attended must be submitted to UCM. You may send them to:

Undergraduate Admissions

Graduate Studies


or through an electronic transcript service.



Military Transcript Evaluations

The University of Central Missouri offers a free evaluation of military training and experience for college credit. All credit granted from Joint Service Transcripts are given based on the American Council on Education (ACE) guide recommendations. Students can send unofficial transcripts to vets@ucmo.edu or request official transcript. 


Students can also view our military credit articulations that are already in place and can search based on the training course on your military transcript. 

  • To find your military training articulations, you can use the following in the Institution Name search: US Army Ace Credit, US Coast Guard Ace Credit, US Marines Ace Credit, US Navy Ace Credit, Community College of the Air Force.
  • Military service-related credit is posted as transfer credit and does not count towards upper-level hours requirements. This credit is denoted with a grade of CR (credit) on the Central Degree Audit and UCM transcript. Military service-related credits are not limited to a particular number of hours awarded and do not count towards the 30 hours of maximum CR credit explained under Other Types of Credit.
  • Credits from the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF): Students with CCAF credit should have official transcripts sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (WDE 1400, 660-543-4290).
  • Credits from the Joint Services Transcript (JST): Credits earned by service personnel in specialized training programs of the United States Army, Navy, Marines or Coast Guard under certain circumstances may be accepted. The guidebook published by the American Council on Education (ACE) is used to determine the credit value. Official Joint Services Transcripts (JST) should be sent to the Office of Military and Veteran Services (UN 117, 660-543-8776) which will review and determine the appropriate credit, if applicable.


How to Request Official Military Transcripts

Service members and veterans can request official transcripts by clicking on the applicable links below. Please do not send in any medal certificates, letters of appreciation, or any other awards & certificates.

Joint Services Transcript
Army, Marines, Navy, & Coast Guard 

Coast Guard Institute

Community College of the Air Force

Defense Acquisition University
Defense Language Institute
Foreign Language Center

Marine Corps University




How UCM Courses Transfer to CCAF 

In an effort to make it easy to take courses at UCM and also complete your CCAF Associates Degree below you will find a conversion table to assist students in finding what courses will transfer into CCAF required areas. 

UCM to CCAF Conversion Worksheet




