Open Calendar


Student Organization Advisors

mule at football stadium

Advising a Student Organization

Advising an RSO (Registered Student Organization) is an opportunity to interact with UCM students outside of the classroom setting. An Advisor-advisee relationship is one that touches students’ lives on a different level and gives students the opportunity to get to know faculty/staff members as real people. These relationships could potentially lead to life-long mentoring.

Like most activities, you get out of it what you put in; the benefits of interacting with student organizations are many. Utilize this opportunity to be an Advisor to learn something new about the students in the organization and about yourself.

Expectations of an Advisor

Expectations may vary based on the type of student organization and the Advisor. The group and Advisor expectations may also vary from year to year and person to person.

Advisors and student leaders should connect regularly to determine expectations. At minimum Advisors should:

  • be available to the officers and the members for advising and required signing of documents
  • assist both the old and new leadership in the transition process, including providing historical continuity
  • allow the duly elected student leadership to exercise primary decision-making authority with regard to organizational goals, objectives and activities (within the limitations of the set expectations)
  • meet with organization officers and members as determined by the constitution.

In addition, Advisors are expected to assist the organization in planning projects or events.


student looking at a book

Advisor Handbook

This handbook has been created to assist RSO Advisors. Guides, resources, tips, expectations, and suggestions are included to help with your transition into the student organization Advisor role, and to provide continued resources and recommendations to experienced Advisors.

Get Handbook

students talking over a paper

Interested in being an Advisor?

There are always student organizations looking for an Advisor. If you're interested in helping, contact us and we'll help you find one that fits you.


Each Advisor perceives his/her relation to an RSO differently. Some Advisors play very active roles by attending meetings, working with student officers and assisting in program planning and development. Other maintain a more distant relationship to the organization. No matter your style, keeping some regular contact with the organization is necessary.

An Advisor accepts responsibility for keeping informed about the activities of the organization and for advising officers of the organization on the appropriateness and general merits of polices and activities.

We expect Advisors to:

  • Be there.
  • Help plan.
  • Know University policies.
  • Manage risk.
  • Use facilities available.
  • Know about money.
  • Keep the Office of Student Activities informed about groups’ operations.
  • Mentor others.
  • Blow the whistle on hazing.
  • Give praise.

