Procedure Name: University Access Control Key Procedure |
Date Approved: Approved by the University President on April 7, 2009 |
Procedure Category: University Operation |
Date Effective: |
Policy Authority: Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040 |
Date Last Revised: |
Approval Authority: University President |
Review Cycle: |
Responsibility: University Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer |
The University of Central Missouri promotes the security of campus personnel and appropriate
access to university property. A functional and working access control system enhances
the security of the campus. This procedure describes the use and possession of access
control devises to campus facilities, design of access control systems, fabrication,
responsibility for issuance, audits, eligibility for possession, access control devise
and building security, and responsibilities relating to lost access control devises,
including but not limited to keys. This procedure applies to all university access
control devices.
NOTE: Keys to residence hall rooms and university apartments shall be issued through
University Housing. Residence hall and university apartment key holders are subject
to University Housing policies and procedures. Key holders should contact University Housing for more details regarding key holders rights and responsibilities.
Key: all access control devices.
Key holder: a person to whom a key has been issued.
Checkout/issue: when keys are officially distributed to individuals by the Department of Public
Safety鈥檚 Access Control Operations personnel. Proper checkout/issuance of keys is
accompanied by an executed 鈥淎ccess Control Individual Record鈥 form.
Building master: a key that will access every door within a building, except mechanical rooms and computer/telecommunication
node room.
Sub-master: a key that will access doors to a division, department or floor within a building.
Single door key: a key that will open an individual door, or set of doors that have been keyed alike.
Short-term checkout: a key is checked out from the Department of Public Safety and returned by the end
of the same business day.
Long-term checkout: a key is checked out from the Department of Public Safety with an assigned return
date greater than one day.
1. The last day of employment by the university department for which keys are held
shall be the return date for full-time faculty, full-time staff and part-time staff.
2. Adjunct faculty, temporary employees, etc., shall be assigned a return date that
coincides with their appointment end date.
3. Students shall be assigned a return date that coincides with their assignment end
Student: all categories of UCM students, including but not limited to, student workers and
graduate assistants.
Appointment end date: the end of service date assigned to a student worker on a 鈥淪tudent Job Assignment
and Payroll Information Form鈥 or the end of service date indicated for a graduate
assistant on an 鈥淎pproval Forms for Graduate Assistantships.鈥
1. Public Safety maintains records of all keying systems and authorized usage. Public
Safety will maintain records of all keys assigned to faculty, staff, student workers
and graduate assistants within each department, including name of individuals to whom
keys are issued and dates of issue and return or loss. Public Safety may conduct periodic
departmental audits.
2. The inappropriate and/or unauthorized use of UCM keys shall be a violation of this
procedure and may lead to disciplinary action. The inappropriate and/or unauthorized
use of UCM keys may violate federal and state laws and misuse shall be reported accordingly.
The university鈥檚 general counsel and the director of public safety shall evaluate
reports of misuse and determine the proper action to take on a case-by-case basis.
1. Public Safety shall issue all university keys except for those to residence halls
and university apartments. Keys must be picked up at Public Safety during regular
business hours. Special arrangements may be made for those working outside regular
business hours. Keys shall be picked up and an 鈥淎ccess Control Individual Record鈥
form signed for in person. A university-issued photo ID is required. A copy of the
executed 鈥淎ccess Control Individual Record鈥 form will be provided to the key holder
and appropriate department head so each has a record of keys issued to individual
2. The following guidelines will generally dictate the issuance of keys:
a. Building master keys will be issued to the building manager and/or dean and one
other full-time university employee working in the building as may be authorized by
the building manager or dean. It may be prudent to keep master keys in secure locations
within an office rather than to carry them at all times.
b. Full-time faculty and staff members may be issued a sub-master key to permit access
to outside doors and office areas.
c. Adjunct faculty members, part-time employees, graduate assistants and student workers
may only be issued an outside door key, a key to their individual office if assigned
to an office, and/or a classroom key if appropriate as determined by Public Safety
and the building manager.
d. Full-time and regular part-time custodians assigned to a building are provided
access to a building master key, but only upon written authorization of the building
manager or dean. Custodians are required to return university keys at the conclusion
of each work shift and may not have access to master keys when not providing custodial
services assigned by the appropriate supervisor.
e. Relief custodians, night maintenance, set-up personnel and on-call personnel will
checkout keys or be assigned a key ring from Public Safety on an as need basis, but
only upon signed authorization of the facilities planning and operations director.
f. Custodial supervisors and night maintenance personnel may be issued outside door
keys and keys to custodial closets.
g. Upon written authorization of the building manager or dean, one building master
key will be issued to the Facilities Planning and Operations office for checkout to
maintenance personnel on an as needed, daily, basis. If the key is not provided, alternate
arrangements must be made to provide access to required areas when needed.
h. Off campus contractors must check out keys through Public Safety and must return
keys by the end of the business day. The director of public safety, or director鈥檚
designee, is responsible for developing and implementing a short-term checkout procedure
which ensures that security policies and procedures are followed.
i. The building manager and/or dean and the director of public safety may evaluate
individual circumstances to grant exceptions to the guidelines listed above when necessary.
A request for an exception to the 鈥淯niversity Access Control (Key) Procedure鈥 must
outline the reasoning for the requested exception and be submitted in writing to the
director of public safety before it will be considered by the university.
j. If an audit indicates the number of keys issued is in excess of stated guidelines
and an exception has not been granted in writing by Public Safety, the director of
public safety has the authority to recall additional keys. Building managers and/or
deans have 10 business days to turn over recalled keys to the director of public safety
or director鈥檚 designee.