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2.3.040 Staff Reduction in Force Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Staff Reduction in Force Policy

Date Approved:  September 15, 2004; revised and approved April 28, 2017

Policy Category:  Board of Governors – Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits

Date Effective:  April 28, 2017

Policy Number:  2.3.040

Date Last Revised:  April 28, 2017

Approval Authority:  UCM Board of Governors

Review Cycle:  4 years

Responsible Department:  Office of the President


Purpose/Policy Statement

The university historically has provided a high degree of job security for its employees; however, when budget conditions, reorganization, grant funding, the lack of work, or other business needs result in layoffs, furloughs or the abolishment of positions, provisions should exist for a method of reducing the work force. The president of the university is authorized to undertake and initiate reductions in force in consultation with the Strategic Leadership Team.

When an employee is being terminated as part of a reduction in force, discontinuation of the job, or reorganization, a minimum of four weeks’ notice will be required.  At the university’s option, such employee may receive severance pay in lieu of notice.

It is the responsibility of the university’s administration to manage and direct the work force, including reductions in force. The management and direction of the work force includes the right to plan, direct, and control operations; to choose the methods, processes, and materials to be employed; to direct, employ, transfer, demote, suspend, discipline, and/or discharge; to relieve employees from duties because of lack of work or other lawful reasons; and to establish and maintain rules and regulations as the university may deem necessary and proper relating to the operation of the university.


This policy applies to reduction in the workforce of university employees.
