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Emergency Preparedness

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week @ 660-543-4123.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something. 

Emergency Situations

Active Shooter

Colleges and universities are not immune to suspicious persons or armed intruder.  If you see something, please contact Public Safety immediately or call 911. A Police Officer will investigate.   

UCM utilizes ALICE, a training program designed to take a comprehensive approach to help people mentally prepare to recognize, assess, and respond to immediate threats.  Contact Public Safety for ALICE training dates/times.  

Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.  If you see something, say something. Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Bomb Threat

In the event of a bomb threat or suspicious package, the person receiving the threat/package shall contact Public Safety immediate.  Do not touch the package and remove bystanders from immediate area. Officers will investigate immediately to determine if the threat is credible.

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.  


Even though UCM in Central Missouri has a very low chance of being impacted by an Earthquake, you should always be prepared.   Wherever you are, protect yourself by getting under heavy furniture.  Do not move unless it is safe to do so and the earthquake has stopped. You are more likely to be injured if you try to move around during a strong earthquake or aftershock.  Once the initial quake has stopped, if possible leave the building as quickly as possible because aftershocks may follow. 

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.   

Fire & Fire Drills

To report a FIRE, call 911 immediately. Give specific details about the FIRE – building, room#, size, how it got started, if you know, etc.   Do not attempt to extinguish a fire unless it is safe and you have been trained to do so.  Assist others as you exit the building.

UCM conducts Fire Drills in all residence halls at least once during spring and fall semesters.  UCM works closely with our Emergency Response Partners to ensure proper procedures are followed.  All staff, residents, and guest/ visitors are required to participate in the drill if on property at the time of the drill.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. 

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something. 

Medical Emergency

Getting medical help right away for someone who is having a medical emergency can save their life.  Call 911!  Be prepared to tell the Dispatcher exactly where you are – building and room#.  Do Not move the patient.  Have someone meet Emergency Personnel and guide them to patient.  Keep victim calm and stay with them until help arrives.  Apply first aid if trained to do so.  

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something. 



Outdoor Sirens

The UCM Warrensburg campus, maintains 5 outdoor warning sirens across campus.  The sirens are test on the first Wednesday of each month.  During a TORNADO WARNING or other large scale emergency event the sirens should be activated.  Immediate action should be taken during an emergency when the sirens sound.  

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.   

Severe Weather / Tornado

During the possibility of Severe Weather, pay close attention to the news and/or weather apps.  If a Tornado Warning is issued, the UCM outside emergency warning sirens will sound.  UCM will send out a textcaster text alert.  News and weather apps will suggest you to proceed immediately to nearest designated tornado safe area.  For those who leave off-campus, especially those without a usable basement, move the center of the structure and avoid windows / glass.   Individuals who can and it is safe to do so, may consider alternate shelter locations.  

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.   

Shelter in Place

If you are requested to "shelter in place", act quickly.  Find the safest room inside a building and stay there until campus officials say it is safe to leave.

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.  

Utility Outages - Water, Power, etc.

Utility Outages (Electric, Water, Gas, etc.) can happen any where or time.   If a utility outage occurs, remain calm.  Contact Public Safety  or call 911. Advise the dispatcher of your location.   The dispatcher will immediately notify the appropriate department or agency of the outage.    If you smell GAS, evacuate the building immediately and call 911 once you are outside.

In case of an emergency, please contact Public Safety 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.  Everyone has a role in Campus Safety.   If you see something, say something.   




South East Complex 113
(660) 543-4839/4137
Emergency Phone Number 911

After Hours

Public Safety
Tel: (660) 543-4123 (24 hours)

